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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Tender Touch

Touch is one of the most powerful communication tools. From a mother's cradling embrace to a friend's comforting hug or a marriage partner's caress, touch has the special power to send messages of union and communion. Even a momentary and seemingly incidental touch on your partner's shoulder or hand can strengthern the marital bond by conveying affirmation, comfort and security.
Both the toucher and one being touched receive emotional and physiological benefits. Research has shown that a gentle touch or hug can cause a speeding heart to quieten, soaring blood pressure to drop and severe pain to ease. In the same study, it was reported that eight to ten meaninful touches each day help us maintain emotional and physical health.
So consider the value of meaningful touch to your marriage. How often have you "touched" your spouse/partner, your children and even your pets. A touch of encouragement, a touch of love, a touch of affirmation that can go a long way.
* Your Turn
Share with me how you have benefited from a recent touch from your partner.
When do you most often want to be touched?
What is the one thing you would like your partner to understand about you and touching?
You can reach me at

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