Optimism – or your lack of it, shapes your entire life. If you lack hope and faith, your actions will reflect this lacklustre attitude. Others will not buy into your dreams and plans because they are not convinced that you will succeed, taking their cue from you. Heartfelt optimism, on the other hand, is magnetic: the stronger you feel it, the more powerful its pull.
You’ll find it easier to attract the right people and opportunities to you. Life will be easier. The trick is to build deep down optimism that exudes a genuine conviction to those around you. The challenge is to believe in the inevitability of your own success
And, as life is one great big self-fulfilling prophesy, keeping optimistic makes a lot of sense. As Winston said, "it does not seem too much use being anything else."
Would you consider yourself to be a positive or a negative person? Do you tend to see the glass as half empty or half full? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Did you know that God has called all followers of Christ to be optimists? Yes, it's true. The Bible says, "Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things."-Philippians 4:8
Optimism has to come from God. I'm an optimist because I believe in God and His word, "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" You know what he meant; there is so much good that can happen, that will happen, and is happening to change our world swiftly and beautifully. Optimism generates hope...Hope releases dreams...Dreams set goals...Enthusiasm follows! Then energy and health become a natural lifestyle.
I am an optimist because I believe in God's Presence! God is real and He is all around us. We experience His presence all the time, only we take it for granted too often and we don't call it "God."
I am an optimist, because I believe God has a beautiful plan that includes me and you. God knew exactly where He wanted you to be placed" And so He puts us in places and positions that we can't even imagine today. Give God time and watch Him move. Give God an opportunity to have His way with you.
I am an optimist because I believe in possibilities all around me. Our problem is we don't see the possibilities or we turn them down because of an inferiority complex. All we need is the faith and the vision to see the possibilities all around us.
I am an optimist because I believe in God's providence. He is Jehovah Jireh. His mercies are new every morning.
I am an optimist because I believe in God's pardon. I believe the worst feeling for me is when I have sinned and am guilty. But I am an optimist, because I don't have to worry about the worst news. I am pardoned. I am saved. I have the presence of Christ in my life.
Optimism is wholeness and health. And you cannot be an optimist if you cut yourself off from a belief in a beautiful God who gives us eternal life.