Jacob's exile brought about the marriage of the covenant heir with women of God's people. At this time Jacob was at least 57 years old and still a bachelor. Unlike Abraham, Issac had taken no steps to find God-fearing wives for his sons, and Esau married two Hittite women. Now Rebekah hearing of Esau's plan to kill Jacob, thinks of a way to achieve two important objectives. They could send Jacob to Mesoptamia to look for God-fearing wife where he would be safe with her brother Laban. Rebekah talks to Issac about how unbearable life would be for her if Jacob married a Hittite woman, like Esau's wives. Issac agrees and sends Jacob to Mesoptamia to find a believing wife.
Before Jacob left, Issac committed him to God's care giving him the full Abrahmic blessing. This was meant to equip Jacob for spiritual leadership as well as to assure him of material blessings.
Jacob was on his way to Haran to a completely new chapter in his life. Jacob 's journey was not an easy one. The long journey to Haran about 750 km on foot and travelling alone was a new experience for him. He must have been lonely, conscience striken and uncertain of the future. He needs assurance from the Lord about the convenant.
On the second or third night of Jacob's journey, God gave him a dream to encourage him. It would strengthen his faith and help him all through the long, difficult years ahead away from the promised land.
In his dream Jacob saw a majestic stairway that reached from earth to heaven on which the angels of God were ascending and descending. The stairway reaching into heaven and the Lord was right there. It speaks of communication, Jesus is the way, the only true way from earth to heaven, the mediator between God and man. Through Christ we have the heavens opened to us.
When Jacob awoke, he was afraid and awed by God's presence. Jacob is no longer a fugitive from the results of his own sin, he is now a partner with God in fulfilment of a Divince purpose.
In gratitude and reverence, Jacob erected a pillar and vowed that Johovah woule be his God, the site of the vision would be a sacred place and he would give back to God a tithe of all that God gave him.