1) Put off the old - "Put off concerning the former way of life the old man". Show no mercy to those things that influence or affect your christian growth. "Kill the Canaanites. Deny yourself and take up the cross and follow Jesus. Walk in intimacy with Him. Do not allow the things of the world to lure you. Pray always and do not be weary in doing good. Learn to live in the world but do not allow the world to live in you! The boat is supposed to be in the water but the water is dangerous when it gets in the boat.
2) Renew in the spirit of your mind- "be renewed in the spirit of your mind". Control your tongue, change your friends, altar your patterns, tame your thoughts.
Escape from the "box" Satan has built around you- People drink alcohol in order to escape the pressures of life or in order to enjoy the pleasures of life. When pressures or desires come you must learn to let God show you how to find rest and enjoyment in a living relationship with Him.
3) Become new - "Put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness" Find your part in the work of the Lord and produce fruit for God. Remove the Briars and rocks. Plant a crop. Guard against surprise attacks. Determine to live the Abundant Christian life; one in which you find more joy in God than you do in serving evil- The prodigal son thought the "good" life was money, partying, and friends but he woke up in a hog pen to find life was a lot better at the Father’s house.
Rev Dr. Ronnie Ng