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Friday, September 07, 2012

Tested And Come Forth As Gold

“But He knows the way that I take; for when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10)

How we long for this to be our true confession. We are not yet gold, but long to be. We are not yet fully following his steps, but are trying. We have tried to not turn aside, but we sometimes falter. Thank God for his grace until our intentions and desires are fulfilled in our discipleship!
He knew that when the trials were over, he would emerge from them stronger and brighter than ever before. When we are in the middle of our great despairs in life, do we focus on how God is using our troubles to sharpen us, or do we succumb to panic attacks and pity parties? We would do much better if we could realize that no matter what our problem, the Lord is right beside us.

A wonderful example of this is given in LUKE 24. In this passage, two of Jesus’ disciples were walking toward a village called Emmaus. They were very upset and troubled because they knew that Jesus had been crucified. They were discouraged. And then, what happens? There is a third man who appears on the scene. They must have found comfort in the company of this man, because they talked with him and listened to him. But all during their anguish, they never once realized that Jesus was right beside them; sharing their company as they plodded along down the road.

I want to share a mighty truth with you. God is with you right now. No matter what you might be going through; no matter far you might feel from Him; God is there with you. He might not be felt during certain times, but know that He is there. It is that fact alone, that enables us to be faithful during our bad times. God loves us with a love that is so much more than any of us might love our children. And because He loves us, He will surely take care of us.

We are given that promise in 1 PETER 5:7.
‘ …cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.’

Not only does God promise to stay with us, but He wants us to give Him all our fears and troubles. And when we do, we must remember that God may have a very good reason for not making them disappear instantly. We might have to wait for Him to take us from the fire, but that is because …

Magnificent Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, I confess my sin and my inadequacy in following your paths. Forgive me as I recommit my life to serve you in holiness and joy. Thank you for your grace which covers my sin and perfects in me the character of Jesus. Through him I pray. Amen.

 “Justice is the insurance we have on our lives, and obedience is the premium we pay for it.” (William Penn)

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Teach Us How To Pray

“His disciples said unto Him, Lord, teach us to pray....and He said unto them, when ye pray, say ...Thy Kingdom come.” (Luke 11:2)

Lord, teach us to pray, is a good prayer, and a very needful one, for Jesus Christ only can teach us, by his word and Spirit, how to pray. Lord, teach me what it is to pray; Lord, stir up and quicken me to the duty; Lord, direct me what to pray for; teach me what I should say. Christ taught them a prayer, much the same that he had given before in his sermon upon the mount. There are some differences in the words of the Lord's prayer in Matthew and in Luke, but they are of no moment. Let us in our requests, both for others and for ourselves, come to our heavenly Father, confiding in his power and goodness.
If you are at a loss for words these prayers may help you. Remember, prayer is simply talking to God. God wants to be our friend and he wants us to feel comfortable talking to him.
·         When you are unsure of where you will spend eternity:
Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen

·         When you are fearful:
Father God, I am feeling fearful today. Life seems to be uncertain and out of control. I recall that the Bible tells me “Perfect love casts out fear”. You alone are Perfect Love, so would you please cast out the fear I feel and replace it with confidence in your sufficiency.
·         When you are weak or ill
Father, I am feeling lousy today. I ache all over and feel very weak. You said that your grace was sufficient for me. Please strengthen me. Give me joy inspite of how I feel physically. Amen

·         When your marriage seems to be falling apart:
Dear God, our marriage is really shaky right now and I really don’t want it to break-up. Show me ways I could show (name) I love and care for her/him.. You are merciful, would you please show your mercy by helping us love each other more. Thank you! Amen

 “The missionary enterprise is not the church’s afterthought; it is Christ’s forthought.” (Anonymous)






Wednesday, September 05, 2012

A Wise Man

“A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hot-headed and reckless.” (Proverbs 14:16)

A wise man feareth - He can never trust in himself, though he be satisfied from himself. He knows that his suffiency is of God; and he has that fear that causes him to depart from evil, which is a guardian to the love he feels. Love renders him cautious; the other makes him confident. His caution leads him from sin; his confidence leads him to God.

A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil,.... He fears God, and is careful not to offend him; wherefore he departs from sin, stands at a distance from it, abstains from all appearance of it; being influenced by the goodness and grace of God unto him, he fears the Lord and his goodness, and therefore avoids all occasions of sinning against him: his motive is not merely fear of punishment, but a sense of goodness; and now, as it is through the influence of divine fear that men depart from evil; so to do this shows a good understanding, and that such a man is a wise man, Proverbs 16:6; but the fool rageth, and is confident; he fears neither God nor men, he sets his mouth against both; he "rages" in heart, if not with his mouth, against God and his law, which forbid the practice of such sins he delights in; and against all good men, that admonish him of them, rebuke him for them, or dissuade him from them: and "is confident" that no evil shall befall him; he has no concern about a future state, and is fearless of hell and damnation, though just upon the precipice of ruin; yet, as the words may be rendered, "he goes on confidently", nothing can stop him; he pushes on, regardless of the laws of God or men, of the advices and counsels of his friends, or of what will be the issue of his desperate courses in another world.

We need only obey.  There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Angel to guard you

“I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to a place I have prepared.” (Exodus23:20)

Jehovah would send an angel before them, who should guard them on the way from injury and destruction, and bring them to the place prepared for them, i.e., to Canaan. The name of Jehovah was in this angel (Exodus 23:21), that is to say, Jehovah revealed Himself in him; and hence he is called in Exodus 33:15-16, the face of Jehovah, because the essential nature of Jehovah was manifested in him. This angel was not a created spirit, therefore, but the manifestation of Jehovah Himself, who went before them in the pillar of cloud and fire, to guide and to defend them (Exodus 13:21). But because it was Jehovah who was guiding His people in the person of the angel, He demanded unconditional obedience (Exodus 23:21), and if they provoked Him (תּמּר for תּמר, see Exodus 13:18) by disobedience, He would not pardon their transgression; but if they followed Him and hearkened to His voice, He would be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries (Exodus 23:22). And when the angel of the Lord had brought them to the Canaanites and exterminated the latter, Israel was still to yield the same obedience, by not serving the gods of the Canaanites, or doing after their works, i.e., by not making any idolatrous images, but destroying them (these works), and smiting to pieces the pillars of their idolatrous worship (מצבת does not mean statues erected as idols, but memorial stones or columns dedicated to idols: see my Comm. on 1 Kings 14:23), and serving Jehovah alone. Then would He bless them in the land with bountiful provision, health, fruitfulness, and length of life (Exodus 23:23-26). "Bread and water" are named, as being the provisions which are indispensable to the maintenance of life, as in Isaiah 3:1; Isaiah 30:20; Isaiah 33:16. The taking away of "sickness" (cf. Exodus 15:26) implied the removal of everything that could endanger life. The absence of anything that miscarried, or was barren, insured the continuance and increase of the nation; and the promise that their days should be fulfilled, i.e., that they should not be liable to a premature death (cf. Isaiah 65:20), was a pledge of their well-being.

I claim an hedge of protection, by the Precious Blood of Jesus, around myself and my loved ones throughout this day and night. I ask You God, in the name of Jesus, to send angels to surround us today and everyday, and to put them throughout my house and around our cars, souls, bodies, wills and emotions. I call on Your holy angels to protect my house from any intrusion and to protect me and my family and those I've named from any harmful demonic or other physical or mental attacks. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“God’s help is nearer than the door.” (William G Benham)

Monday, September 03, 2012

Sow In Tears, Reap With Songs Of Joy

“Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping carrying seed to sow,

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy - Though the sowing of seed is a work of labor and sorrow - often a work so burdening the farmer that he weeps - yet the return - the harvest - is accompanied with rejoicing. The truth is expressed in a general form, as illustrating the idea that enterprises which are begun under many difficulties, and which require much labor, will be crowned with success, and that the joy is more than an equivalent for all the weariness and sorrow. Thus it is in respect to the toil of the farmer; the cares and anxieties of the student; the work of conversion and repentance; the labors of the Christian pastor; the efforts of the Sabbath-school teacher; the faithfulness of the Christian parent; the endeavors of a church for a revival of religion; the zeal and sacrifice of the Christian missionary. The particular, allusion here is to the exiles, in their long and weary march to their native land. It was a work of toil and tears, but there would be joy, like that of the harvest, when, their long journey over they should again come to their native land.. (Barnes' Notes on the Bible)
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. A proverbial expression, encouraging faith in prayer put up for the return of the captivity, whether in a literal or spiritual sense. Praying or seeking the Lord is sowing in righteousness, Hosea 10:12; which is often attended with tears and weeping; the issue of them is not always seen soon: these, like seed, lie buried under the clods, but take effect and will rise up in due time: saints should wait patiently for a return of them, as the husbandman for the fruits of the earth; in due time they will produce a large crop of blessings, a plentiful harvest, which the praying saint will reap with joy; as those that prayed and waited for the redemption in Jerusalem; and as those that pray for the latter day glory, the conversion of the Jews, the fulness of the Gentiles, and the destruction of antichrist; the souls under the altar have been sowing in tears, but before long they will reap in joy, Revelation 6:9. It may be applied to the state and condition of saints in common in this life; now is their sowing time, and careful they should be that they sow not to the flesh, but to the spirit: and a sorrowful time it is, on account of inward corruptions, Satan's temptations, divine desertions, and the imperfection of their services; but before long they will reap life everlasting, reap in joy, and be in the fullness of it; now they weep, then they shall rejoice; now they mourn, then they shall be comforted.

“Sorrow is a fruit; God does not make it grow on limbs too weak to bear it.” (Victor Hugo)
When you are unsure of where you will spend eternity:
Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be. Amen