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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Stop worrying and start living

Are we worrying too much? Study has shown that about sixty percent of human worries are totally unwanted. Of the remaining portion of worries, twenty percent are about things already past or activities that are beyond our control. Another ten percent are so petty that they don't make much difference at all. Of the remaining ten percent of our worries, only four to five percent are really justifiable.
The daily demands, the concern for our children's well being, our personal struggles are things that we have to contend with.
How many times have we allowed obsessive worry to consume us. Most of our worries are not worth the stress they generate. We must stop worrying and start living. Don't let the poison of worry contaminate your life, your marriage and your career.
Worry is the #1 disorder according to John Edmund Haggai, the author of the classic bestseller "How to win over worry". He said that worry is eating the vitaliy of America. Anxiety disorders - more serious mental problems that spring out of worry - are the nation's most common psychiatric condition. The risk of developing an anxiety disorder is about 25 percent - and double that if you are a woman.
Life throws worries at us from every direction:
Growing up is worrying. Growing up is hard enough by itself - with worries ranging from imagined bears in the bedroom to terrifying bullies at school....
Work is worrying. Worries at work plague many people. Most people have worries at work. Some professions have achieved notoriety for producing stress.....
Being a woman is worrying. A recent national survey of 1,044 American women showed that 56 percent reported experiencing anxiety symptoms and worry for a period of more than six months. More than one in four women reported muscle aches and pains, muscle tension, irritability and being easily fatiqued.....
Having a home and family is worrying. All kinds of domestic respnsibilities bring stress. Parents routinely worry about children experimenting with drugs or getting into bad company.....
Past experiences are worrying. People commonly look back on some past event and worry about it. Something they could have said better. Something they wish they hadn't done....
Getting older is worrying. Older people easily turn into worriers. they feel less in control and more uncertain about the future..........
Worry divides your FEELINGS - causing your emotions to become uneven and volatile.
Worry divides your UNDERSTANDING - making your convictions lose their grounding, sapping you of confidence.
Worry divides your PERCEPTION - meaning you are distracted and often fail to see the whole situation confronting you.
Worry divides your JUDGMENT - making your deisions ill-informed and unreliable.
Worry divides your WILL - producing lethargy and dullying your ability to pursue your goals with dermination.
Worry causes heartbreak, failure, misunderstanding, suspicion, and much unhappiness. And left long enough, this division of the mind can be so severe that you can no longer muster the energy to struggle against your problems. then your mind will do something computers sometimes do - crash.......

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