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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Divine Results Through Intercession

Intercession makes a difference.  Prayer changes things.  Intercessory prayer is the cause that produces the effect.  There is divine result to prayer that can come in no other way.

The idea that prayer can really make a difference in our lives and in our world is totally against the natural mind of man.  Many people think that fate is fixed, the future is set and there is nothing much we can do about it.  So, they can only submit to the world affairs for they cannot be changed.  One cannot change against a destiny that has already been determined.

Jesus taught exactly the opposite.  His life, death and resurrection proved that the world can be redeemed.  It can be brought back into God's original plan and purpose.  All is not lost.  We are not doomed to die, but destined to live.  When Christ came to this earth, He exposed he lie of the devil and called us to a life of faith, hope and love.

Furthermore, he gave us the right to pray as He did.  His prayers were life-changing and earth-shaking in their effect.  The world will never be the same.

Rev Dr. Ronnie Ng

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