Are our expectations about sex based on what society tells us. The world talks and advocate promiscuity. Adultery seems okay..and how about unfaithfulness in marriage. These are things that destroy the marriage. Sex within marriage is “undefiled”.
The physical relationship is obviously very important in developing a healthy marriage: who doesn’t want to have a good sex life? You certainly didn’t get married because you only wanted a roommate or a good friend. You want to share life with your partner, including a fulfilling sexual relationship with your spouse. However, due to tensions and other demands in life, couples find it difficult to communicate with each other and that often affects the physical relationship.
The following are some tips to ignite your romance:
Creating the Atmosphere
Romantic setting with the dim lights and soft music playing in the background may well create the right mood. While the setting may be important, how you love another is crucial. The fact is that all other parts of your marriage will be carried over to your sexual relationship. If you just had an argument, it affects how the two of you relate physically. If you have a lot of stress in your lives, it affects your romantic atmosphere. If you take each other for granted, it affects you as a couple.
How you interact with each other and honor each other can greatly influence your sexual relationship. That phrase "sex starts in the kitchen" is not really talking about where to have sex, but it has a lot to say about how we should treat each other. How you treat her in the kitchen will influence how she can respond to you in the bedroom.
To create the mood, couples should focus on a few important things: respect one another, honor one another, give generously to one another, and share plenty of casual, non-sexual touches.Understanding the differences Men and women are physically different. We are wired differently and have different sexual needs as well. For many couples, men focus on the act, women focus on the closeness. Men tend to be fast in arousal.
Therefore, we need to understand these differences and adjust accordingly. If the man can be patient with his wife, they both will have a deeper, more meaningful sexual relationship.
Sharing your life
Most of us marry because we want to share life with the person we love. Sharing is foundational to all that we do as couples. Sharing is also very important in your sexual relationship. Be committed to your spouse, focusing on meeting your partner’s needs as your own.
It isn’t less romantic to talk about what you like or need. Communicating openly is really more romantic, because it shows you care about each other. Open sharing leads you to become more fulfilled and to have a happier sexual experience.
Many couples think that talking about sex and desires is “dirty talk” or “taboo”. They have failed to recognize that sexual relationship is God’s gift to them. .