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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Relationship With Our Heavenly Father

Relationship is not a formula.  Jesus healed one blind man by mixing dust and spittle, forming mud and applying it to the blind man's eyes.  The blind man was then sent to the pool of Siloam to wash the mud out of his eyes and was healed. (John 9).

It is not the form or formula.  It is hearing God's voice and responding obediently to what God has said.  On other occasions, Jesus healed the blind with other means (Matt 9:29; Mark 10:52).

A proper relationship with His heavenly Father was the secret of Jesus' ministry.  Jesus said, "I always do those things that please the Father" (John 8:29).  Because Jesus was right with His Heavenly Father, He could easily hear and obey His Father's voice.

Jesus knew the scriptures and He spent a great deal of time with the Father.  You remember that Jesus' ministry began with forty days of fasting and prayer.  Often we see Him spending nights in prayer (as before choosing His twelve disciples).  We find Him withdrawing from the multitudes and going into the desert to pray.

Rev Dr. Ronnie Ng

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