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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Patiently Endure

Who brings tests and trials into our lives? Is it God or the devil?

We blame the devil for the pain and suffering we experience as Christians.  And often the devil is involved in our tests and trials.

King David had a different view of the source of trials that come to leaders in preparation for God's service, "The Lord testteth the righteous" (Ps 11:5).  We can all praise God that most often we are not dealing with the devil in our trials and problems.  We are dealing with God, or our own misdeeds.

We can learn an important lesson from Job's suffering and tribulations.  The Bible tells us the devil obtained God's permission to test Job (Job 1).  But notice, Job never blamed the devil.  He said, "The hand of God has touched me" (Job 19:21).  "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him" (Job 13:15).

Even though Job was being attacked by Satan, he was dealing with his God - not the devil.  He refused to acknowledge Satan in any of his trials and temptations.

When we place ourselves in His hand, He is always with us, no matter what are the circumstances.

"He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand against it" (1 Cor 10:13, tlb).  God always "work all things together for good, for those that love him and are called according to his purpose" (Rom 8:28 rsv)

Rev Dr. Ronnie Ng

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