If ye abide in me, and my words
abide in you,.... Abiding in Christ is here explained by his words or doctrines
abiding in his disciples; by which are meant his Gospel, and the truths of it.
This abides when it comes in power, and becomes the engrafted word; and may be
said to do so, when such, in whose hearts it has a place, and has taken deep
root, continue to have a relish and savour of it, a true and hearty affection
for it, esteeming it above their necessary food; when they hold fast the
profession of it, stand fast in it, steadfastly abide by it, and constantly
attend on it; all which is a considerable evidence that they do, yea, there is
a promise that they "shall continue in the Son and in the Father", 1 John 2:24; The blessing and
privilege that such shall enjoy is,
ye shall ask what ye will, and
it shall be done unto you; or, as some copies read it, "it shall be given
you": but this must be understood not of temporal things, as riches,
honours, profits, pleasures, or whatever even the carnal mind of a believer
himself may sometimes desire; but of things spiritual, and with such
limitations and restrictions as these; whatever is according to the will of
God, for the Spirit of God himself asks for no other for the saints; whatever
is for the glory of God, and for their own spiritual profit and edification;
and whatever is agreeably to the words and doctrines of Christ, which abide in
them. Everything of this kind they ask in faith, and with a submission to the
divine will, they may expect to receive.
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