I believe many of us have experienced grief when someone close to us has been taken away either through illness or accident. Do not evade the process of grieving. It is a natural part of life.
Since grief will have its part on our life on earth, we must learn about its nature and how to handle it. Do not try to avoid grief, however me must ensure that it should not stay longer than warranted. Grief has to be faced, but it must not be “nursed”.
The write C.S.Lewis describes in his book “A Grief Observed” the devastation he felt when his wife, Joy died with cancer. His openness has encouraged many when caught in the throes of grief. So overwhelmed was he by his grief that God seemed far away. Eventually Lewis recovered from his inconsolable grief.
How then can we work through grief and prevent it from crippling our life? Realize that a loss of a loved one will inevitably produce grief. Accept the fact and don’t blame anyone or even God. Come to terms with it quickly and forget about it. Do not dwell in self-pity. Response to the grief but recover from it quickly.