Human beings change from time to time. Inanimate objects like clothes, houses or buildings do not have the ability to change. They grow out of style and taste and become unusable. Human beings on the other hand can change at any point in time regardless of age. Change does not mean the opposite or reversal. In reality, most of the times, it means to adjust or add on.
There are three things that we know about the future: 1) It is not going to be the same as the past, 2) it may not be the same as we think, and 3) the rate of change will take place faster than we expect. Pessimists always look on the dark side of life. They focus on the problems and difficulties. They could hardly see the options or solutions to life's problem. On the other hand, idealists tend to oversimplify the solutions. Everything is fine. Don't worry.
The real key for all of us is balance. see it in the right perspective. Welcome changes. The future belongs to those who are prepared for it. The future does not have to overwhelm or scare us. Certainly, there will be challenges and difficulties, but we are going to meet it head-on.
Some people never move ahead because they are prisoners of past failures. They are afraid of making decisions or commitments. They are afraid of changes. My advice is learn from the past, live in the present and have hope for the future.
The key to effective living is learning to live in the present, adapting with the changes. Even the most precious of all gems needs to be chiseled and faceted to achieve its best luster. There is nothing on mother earth that remains so constant. Don't end up like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set.