Are we not praying because there are things going on in our lives that we are afraid God might ask us to give up? Or is it because you do not know what to say when you come to Him in prayer? A couple who is deeply in love will never be at a loss on what to say to each other. Similarly, if we love God, there will always be something to say. Our love for God is a response to His love for us. As you think about that then love will spring up simply because it must.
Commit yourself to deepening your life of prayer by organizing your day around prayer your prayer time rather than the other way round. Make it the top priority of your day.
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold on His highest willingness. Approach the throne of grace with confidence and boldness, because there is One on the throne who has worn our flesh and knows exactly how we feel. We do not need be hesitant or shy in approaching Him. Prayer allows God’s love, mercy and grace to flow in.
The best time to pray is in the morning – if at all possible. Over the years, I have learnt that if God is the priority in my life, I have to talk to Him before engaging in other activities. Moreover, when you pray in the beginning of the day, it is more forward looking.
False views about prayers:
Prayer is like a lightning conductor that prevents us being struck by the lightning of God’s wrath, which might fall on us if we fail to commune with Him.
Many share the view that if they do not pray then something bad will happen to them. Their prayers therefore, are not really prayers at all but self-protective devices derived from a wrong concept of God.
Another false view of prayer is the notion that through prayer we change the mind of God so that His will coincides with ours. What nonsense. The purpose of prayer is not to bend God’s will to our will; it is to bring our will in line with His.
Prayer does not pull God to us but us to God. It aligns our will to His so that He can do things through us that otherwise He could not do.
Prayer is the greatest privilege in being a Christian.
Access to the throne.
For prayer to be meaningful, we must look at prayer as a means to a relationship:
Speaking to our Heavenly Father and developing a relationship with Him. Getting to know His character, His precepts.
Spending time with Him, letting Him speak to you.
Prayer patterns to employ
Pray in modern language.
Choose a Psalm or Scripture to pray back to God.
Talk to God as your best friend.
Prayer requires creativity and concentration.
Elements of prayer – adoration, waiting, confession, watching etc.
Pray the names of God.