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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Perfect Love Destroys Fear

1 John 4:18

18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.  

Verse 18 gives proof of verse 17. We have boldness at the Judgment Seat of Christ because God completes His love in us. John now looks at love from the negative viewpoint.
There is no fear in love;
Love accomplishes something now. The Christian does not look to the Judgment Seat of Christ with trepidation because He understands God’s love. Not only does love look forward to meeting the Lord but it presently casts out fear; love gives freedom from fear.
Fear and love are as contrary to each other as oil and water. Fear and love can coexist but perfect love and fear cannot coexist. Fear in varying degrees exists in every believer’s life. This would not be the case if God’s perfect love gripped his soul.
There is no room for fear in God’s economy of love. We cannot approach God in love and hide from Him in fear simultaneously. We overcome cowering fear of God by an understanding of His perfect love for us.
PRINCIPLE: Love is the most important manifestation of fellowship with the Lord.

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