Luke 4:31-36:
31 Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath began to teach the people. 32 They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority.33 In the synagogue there was a man possessed by a demon, an evil spirit. He cried out at the top of his voice, 34 "Ha! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are--the Holy One of God!"35"Be quiet!" Jesus said sternly. "Come out of him!" Then the demon threw the man down before them all and came out without injuring him. 36 All the people were amazed and said to each other, "What is this teaching? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!"
Jesus is ministering and is confronted with a person who has been affected by an evil spirit. Now, this person did not say that he had an evil sprit. It was the discernment of Jesus that made Him understand what He was dealing with. While demons still exist today, and still affect people today, evil appears in many more forms.
Evil can be experienced in the form of: self-destructive thought patterns, addictions, other people, difficult circumstances, heavy temptations, entertainment in its many forms and the list goes on and on.
Jesus teaches up that there is still hope in this world for defeating the evil in our world. Evil is real, and Satan doesn’t want you to know that: Jesus still conquers evil! The way Jesus conquered evil then is how Jesus conquers evil today.
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