"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19)
God is doing a new thing in your life. Some new beginning is happening. God has already started the work in you. How is your life now? Desert, wasteland. Yes, out of this desert and wasteland God is going to do something new.
The Lord wants to give us a new personality to enable us to be all that He wants us to be. Samuel told Saul that he would be changed into a another man when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him.Jacob the deceiver was changed into Israel a prince with God and man.God wants us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.Often we want God to change others and to change circumstances.
But God wants to change us first and then we will experience a corresponding change in others and in our circumstances.A little child may find it difficult to lift a big chair .But the same child when it grows and becomes an adult will find it easy to lift the same chair because it has now grown bigger and stronger than the chair.Similarly when God transforms us and strengthens us we become bigger than our problems and can tackle it easily.
The Lord wants to give us new pursuits. He wants us to seek and pursue the heavenly blessings and eternal rewards.Often we seek only the things of this world and the desires and the longings of our heart are only after earthly blessings.
God wants to put new longings and pursuits in our hearts.The disciples tried all night to catch fish and caught nothing.But Jesus told them to cast their net again and immediately they caught a multitude of fishes.The disciples were amazed at this miracle and probably started dreaming about a very prosperous career in fishing with the blessings of Jesus.But Jesus changed their pursuits and told them that they would now start catching men.God wants to do a new thing in our lives and give us new pursuits in our lives.
The Lord wants us to experience new provisions in our life.He wants us to have a strong unwavering faith that we will receive what we petition Him.He wants us to realize that if God would love us so much that He would sacrifice His Son for us surely He would provide everything else that we need.God wants us to reach a new level of faith that would cause us to receive His provisions .
The Lord wants to fill us with new power.He wants His children to live a life of divine power.He wants to fill us with new wine .But we must become a new wineskin before God would pour out His new wine into our lives. He will not pour out His new wine if we remain an old wineskin because it would destroy our life.Let us become new wineskins and receive the new wine that God wants to pour out in our lives.
"God can start over in a life no matter what the age. God is the God of new beginnings, bringing new life out of the desert of our own ways"
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