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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Consecrate Yourselves To The Lord

"Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord." (Exodus 32:29)

For Moses had said To the Levites, when he first gave them their orders:
consecrate yourselves today to the Lord;

 devote yourselves to his service, by obeying his orders, slaying those, or the heads of them, who have cast so much contempt upon him as to worship the golden calf in his room; and which would be as acceptable to him as the offerings were, by which Aaron and his sons were consecrated to the Lord; and as these Levites were consecrated to his service this day, on this account:

[even] every man upon his son, and upon his brother;
not sparing the nearest relation found in this idolatry, and for which the tribe of Levi is commended and blessed in the blessing of Moses, ( Deuteronomy 33:8Deuteronomy 33:9 ) and as it follows, that he may bestow a blessing upon you this day;
which was their being taken into the service of God to minister to the priests in the sanctuary, to bear the vessels of the Lord, and for their maintenance to have the tithes of the people: this day was, according to the Jewish writers F19, the seventeenth of Tammuz, or June, on which day the Jews keep a fast upon this account.

That I might live for the purpose for which you created me, Lord. I consecrate myself to do your will this year.

That I might seek your will through your word. I consecrate myself to read, meditate and DO your written will this year, Lord.

That my plans this year might be set around God’s will for my life. I consecrate myself this year to seek you and your way of doing things, Lord.

That I might actively walk with the Holy Spirit this year. I consecrate myself to have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit this year through prayer, worship, reading His word in times of meditation and solitude.

That I might live a life of holiness and separation this year. Lord, I consecrate my mind, my body, my thoughts to you this year. Help me to walk in your grace and live a live in purity and separation from all defiling things.

That I might serve you and worship you with my mind, my talents, my time, my gifts this year. Lord, I consecrate my energy and my time to you; by your grace, I will serve you and expand your Kingdom with my intellect and my industry.

That I might share my wealth, my substance with you Lord this year. Lord, I consecrate to you my money and my resources. I choose to bring my tithes and love offerings to you to help expand your Kingdom and to take care of the helpless and the needy.

"The root of all steadfastness is in consecration to God." (Alexander Maclaren)

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