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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Causes Of Immorality

When a man falls into adultery, it often indicates a lack of proper self-esteem.  Personal insecurity is at the root of much sexual misconduct.

Some men feel thay have to prove themselves desirable by flirting around with the opposite sex.  This often leads to tragic fall into forniation.

If we are insecure in who we are or in our calling, we will fall through pride and the lust for prominence.  We try to make up for the deficiencies we feel by boasting about ourselves and saying things which we think will give us stature in the eyes of others.

Solomon speaks of the "young man" warning him to be careful in his relationship with women  Paul speaks about the need to have a warm, loving relationship with your wife as a way to avoid fornication. (1 Cor 7:1-7).

God's will for man is to live faithfully with one wife.  Any violation of this is sin.  The Bible teaches us we will find great joy, fulfillment and satisfaction in a properly maintained relationship.  God has designed man and woman to find the emotional bond, companionship and fulfillment they long, in marriage.

Rev Dr. Ronnie Ng

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