Thou art worthy, O Lord - In thy character, perfections, and
government, there is what makes it proper that universal praise should be
rendered. The feeling of all true worshippers is, that (God is worthy of the
praise that is ascribed to him. No man worships him aright who does not feel
that there is that in his nature and his doings which makes it proper that he
should receive universal adoration.
To receive glory - To have praise or glory ascribed to thee.
And honour - To be honored; that is, to be approached and adored
as worthy of honor.
And power - To have power ascribed to thee, or to be regarded as
having infinite power. Man can confer no power on God, but he may acknowledge
what he has, and adore him for its exertion in his behalf and in the government
of the world.
For thou hast created all things - Thus, laying the foundation
for praise. No one can contemplate this vast and wonderful universe without
seeing that He who has made it is worthy to "receive glory, and honor, and
power." Compare the notes on Job 38:7.
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