Can you relate to the above symptoms. If so, you are not alone. You may be suffering from anxiety or panic attacks. More than 26 million people have had at least one panic attack, and up to 14 million have been diagnosed with panic disorder. But we’re here to encourage you and boldly say that you can overcome and get your life back!
Fear is the master spirit at the root of all anxiety and panic…and it must be confronted to be overcome and that’s what we’re all about! Through your pain comes your purpose and we believe that when you come out on the other side of panic, you will have learned so much about yourself and about the importance of renewing your mind with the Word that you will be able to reach down and pull others up as well.
Fear can be overcome and must be overcome. God has intended for us to have peace and not fear. The following are what fears can do to us:
Fear causes us to worry instead of trusting God.
Fear destroys our Faith in God
Fear cuts us off from tapping on God’s resources. Fear brings disease and illness.
Fear blocks us from listening to God.
Fears keep us trying to hide, cover up and pretend.