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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Your first and highest calling

"God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."(1 Corinthians 1:9)
Do you know what God wants you to do more than anything else today? He wants you to fellowship with Him. He wants you to walk with Him and talk with Him. To discuss the things of life with Him. He wants you to draw near to Him and partake of His very nature.
So many of us get so caught up in striving to please God in the things we do that we forget our first and highest calling is just to be in fellowship with Him.
That's right. God longs for us just to want to be with Him.
Have you ever considered how much it would mean for you to just come to God and say, "Father, I didn't really come today to get anything. I've prayed about my needs already and Your Word says they're met according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So I just came to be with You. If You have anything You'd like to tell me, I'm ready to listen...and I want you to know that whatever I see in Your Word, I'll do it. I'll put it into effect in my life."

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Love Never Fails

"Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and it endures everything [without weakening]. Love never fails--never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end."(1 Corinthians 13:7-8)
Love never fails. Nothing works without it, and there can be no failure with it. When you live by love, you cannot fail.
It takes faith to believe that love's way will not fail. The natural mind cannot understand that because the natural man and his world are ruled by selfishness.
But when you practice love by faith and refuse to seek your own, you put the Father into action on your behalf. As long as you stay in love, God the Father seeks your own. He sees to it that you succeed. Walking in love is to your great advantage!
Agape love is a new kind of power. It makes you master of every situation. No weapon that is formed against you will prosper. No one even has the power to hurt your feelings because you are not ruled by feelings but by God's love. You are loving as He loves.
This love is revolutionary. If we fully understood the great return from living God's love, we'd probably be competing with each other, each of us trying to love the other more. And without a doubt, everyone would emerge from that competition a winner! For love is truly the only sure secret to our success.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Jacob's Escape to Haran

Jacob's exile brought about the marriage of the covenant heir with women of God's people. At this time Jacob was at least 57 years old and still a bachelor. Unlike Abraham, Issac had taken no steps to find God-fearing wives for his sons, and Esau married two Hittite women. Now Rebekah hearing of Esau's plan to kill Jacob, thinks of a way to achieve two important objectives. They could send Jacob to Mesoptamia to look for God-fearing wife where he would be safe with her brother Laban. Rebekah talks to Issac about how unbearable life would be for her if Jacob married a Hittite woman, like Esau's wives. Issac agrees and sends Jacob to Mesoptamia to find a believing wife.
Before Jacob left, Issac committed him to God's care giving him the full Abrahmic blessing. This was meant to equip Jacob for spiritual leadership as well as to assure him of material blessings.
Jacob was on his way to Haran to a completely new chapter in his life. Jacob 's journey was not an easy one. The long journey to Haran about 750 km on foot and travelling alone was a new experience for him. He must have been lonely, conscience striken and uncertain of the future. He needs assurance from the Lord about the convenant.
On the second or third night of Jacob's journey, God gave him a dream to encourage him. It would strengthen his faith and help him all through the long, difficult years ahead away from the promised land.
In his dream Jacob saw a majestic stairway that reached from earth to heaven on which the angels of God were ascending and descending. The stairway reaching into heaven and the Lord was right there. It speaks of communication, Jesus is the way, the only true way from earth to heaven, the mediator between God and man. Through Christ we have the heavens opened to us.
When Jacob awoke, he was afraid and awed by God's presence. Jacob is no longer a fugitive from the results of his own sin, he is now a partner with God in fulfilment of a Divince purpose.
In gratitude and reverence, Jacob erected a pillar and vowed that Johovah woule be his God, the site of the vision would be a sacred place and he would give back to God a tithe of all that God gave him.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." (John 14:21)

There's a dimension of living you can only experience when you make a decision to please the Father in every activity of your life. In that dimension, Jesus becomes real to you and manifests Himself to you.

Just after the turn of the century, God poured out His Spirit and started a revival on Azusa Street. It was an awesome time, a time when people's entire lives were turned inside out. Everything else in their world seemed to lose importance. Supernatural things were happening. God was manifesting Himself in their presence.

The people involved in that revival soon began to be known to the world as "holiness" people. They got that title because they were so obviously different from everyone else. They would let go of anything they thought didn't please God. They were so caught up in the power of the spiritual realm, they lost interest in natural things.

Few believers today even know what holiness means. Even fewer understand the outpouring of God that comes to those who dare to step into it. Holiness simply means separated to God. It's what you do with your life day by day. It's ordering your conduct according to the Word of God and the prompting of the Spirit.

Holiness is the habit of being one mind with God, of turning away from the ways of the world and living instead in agreement with Him. Holiness doesn't happen to anyone by accident. It requires a decision of the will. Make that decision today.

Love God with all your heart by keeping His commandments. He'll show His love to you by manifesting Himself to you in powerful new ways. He'll pour Himself out on you just like He did on those believers at Azusa Street and revival will truly begin in you.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Exercise Regularly

Exercise releases endorphins in our bodies, which are neurotransmitters (biochemical substances) in the brain that, among other things, produce a sense of well-being. When we exercise, we not only feel stronger and healthier, but we are also better able to deal with the day-to-day stress in our lives. It helps us take life in stride.

Exercise also encourages the nerve cells in our brains to secrete other neurotransmitters-serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine—which are known to minimize anxiety. Many researchers believe exercise is the best antidepressant available. So if you struggle with depression or anxiety, gird up your mind with God's Word first. Find scriptures to stand on that will bring you peace. Then try exercising regularly. It is a natural, healthy way to combat depression.

Research also suggests that exercise may stimulate the growth of new brain cells that enhance memory and learning—two functions that are hampered by depression. Exercise is also proven to relieve muscle tension and improve our ability to relax. This is especially important when we are overwhelmed or stressed out. Have you ever gone to bed exhausted, yet were unable to relax enough to go to sleep?
Well research shows that exercisers go to sleep more quickly, sleep more soundly and are more refreshed in the morning than individuals who do not exercise. So if you're having trouble sleeping, you can stand on the promise that God will give you, His beloved, sleep (Psalm 127:2), and you can work out to help you relax. Where stress is concerned, exercise is an excellent natural remedy. It can help us achieve a sense of well-being, aid us in dealing with depression and anxiety, and help us sleep better. Now if that were all the benefits of exercise, wouldn't it be worth it to make exercise part of your daily routine? But that's not all.
There are many more benefits such as, exercise:
1. Increases your stamina and endurance
2. Reduces your risk for heart disease and stroke
3. Strengthens your immune system
4. Strengthens your bones and joints, decreasing the chance for osteoporosis
5. Increases the number of calories you burn, accelerating weight loss and encouraging weight control
6. Strengthens your heart and lungs so that they will work more efficiently
7. Decreases your blood pressure and LDL or "bad" cholesterol while raising your HDL or "good" cholesterol
8. Improves circulation and supplies more oxygen to the brain thereby increasing your ability to think and reason
Understanding the value of exercise can positively affect our attitude toward it and help us become committed to it.